It is almost impossible to go anywhere without being able to reach out and touch someone. Cellular telephone communication is just one of today's modern communication methodologies. It is not at all unusual to see people driving and talking on their cell phone. The most unusual cell conversations we've seen were a youngster on a skateboard talking on his cellphone and a young lady riding on horse back and talking on the phone. Whether we have to stay in communication as much as we do is a subject for another discussion but here we're just going to look at the cost of maintaining communication while on a cruise ship.
Many of today's modern cruise ships are equipped to enable those who need to STAY IN COMMUNICATION to do so. On a recent Caribbean cruise we used our cell phones a lot. After all, we did have to keep our business going and we did have to stay in contact with family and friends and we did have to send and receive our e-mails on our Blackberry. All this at a cost. When our cell phone bill arrived, we found out just how expensive today's communication can be. The use of shipboard cellular service over that two week period was more than the monthly cost of our cellular service.
Believe me, I'm not saying don't use your cell on a ship. There are times when, for business or personal reasons, you must communicate. If ya gotta do it, you gotta do it. But, if it can wait, let it wait! Avoid the un-necessary expense and shock when the bill comes in after that wonderful cruise.
Consider the pros and cons before reaching out:
Pros - Maintain Communication with; business associates and customers, family and friends parents and children and emergency situations.
Cons - Expense, ability to escape the world's hustle and bustle, personal privacy, don't even think about texting.
Alternative, save your conversation till you're in port where the roaming charges are much lower. You might even find that your cellular provider has service there.
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