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Monday, March 31, 2008


On March 27, 2008, the Departments of Homeland Security and of State issued the final rulemaking concerning the requirements of passports for land and sea border crossings under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

After years of development following 9/11, this ruling is the end of the process and is considered FINAL. This information is posted here to help ensure that you have the proper identification when traveling.

Effective June 1, 2009, the following rules take effect for cruise passengers:

U.S. citizens on cruise voyages that begin and end at the same U.S. port (closed-loop itineraries) must show proof of citizenship and government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license). These documents include: Original or certified copy of birth certificate; Naturalization papers; Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by Department of State. A passport will not be required for passengers that fall into this category. Please note that if, for any unanticipated reason, you must cut your trip short and return to the United States by air from a foreign country you must have a passport.

All other passengers and/or itineraries (such as cruises which begin in one U.S. port and return to a different U.S. port or any cruise that begins or ends in a foreign port) will require a passport or other recognized document. For a list of accepted documents, see

The good news for a majority of cruise passengers – American citizens that leave and return on their cruise from the same U.S. port – is that the travel document requirements will remain largely unchanged from how the industry is operating today.

We continue to encourage travelers to obtain passports to enable the broadest travel opportunities. Please visit
www.travel.state.gov to obtain information on how to apply at more than 9,000 passport acceptance facilities in the United States.