Want to Get Away from it all?
We have the solution.

Take a Cruise!!
With the price of fuel dropping and bookings being a bit sluggish at this time of year, many of the cruise lines have really stepped up to the plate by lowering fares, eliminating fuel surcharges, adding shipboard credits, adding free air or providing other incentives other amenities that were previously not available. There are numerous opportunities, particularly for cruises that are available from now through January and even some that are well out into 2009.
Royal Caribbean and Princess have been leading the pack on lower

How about those of you struggling with Christmas shopping?
This could be an opportunity to plan a romantic get-away for you and that special someone, or to take the family away for Thanksgiving or Christmas. What better gift for the ‘cook’ in the family than to be served dinner and have the opportunity to spend more relaxing time with the family. No long hours standing over a hot stove and best of all ---no dishes to clean up.
Want to know more? Give us a call!